Reference frequently used technical terms through the SWARM Documentation
Application Programming Interface. In software, this term refers to a way of programmatically interacting with a the software, without the use of a user-interface built for humans. In SWARM, we have an API that allows a developer to create, update, and delete the various entities within your instance of SWARM.
The app is what we call the main SWARM web application, this is the part you log in to, and where you can view and configure your organization's Personas, Campaigns, Audiences, & more.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Intelligence
Content Delivery Network. CDN's are a network of servers which make downloading files faster for end users by placing them all around the world to reduce latency and transfer time over the internet. When you have servers in a CDN, they are closer to the end user. If someone is using SWARM in Nevada, they don't have to download files from Virginia, they are able to download them from a server much closer to them in the network.
Customer Data Platform.
Demand-side platform
Data Pipeline
Data Lakehouse
Extract Load Transform. This is a similar but slightly different approach from ETL in which data is extracted from a source system, loaded into a central repository, and then later transformed on demand as needed.
An event refers to an action taken by a user, this can include viewing a web page, clicking a button, opening an email and much more. You can use the SWARM Snippet.js to make tracking and sending these events to the platform straightforward. These events can be used to help attribute leads to campaigns, gain deeper insights into the behaviors of a user, and much more.
JSON, or Javascript Object Notation, is a convenient format for storing structured data.
Reverse ETL
Reverse ETL is the process of sending data residing in your data lakehouse to various downstream operational tools. This includes various SaaS marketing, analytics, sales, and customer support tools.
A schema refers to the design of a database, including which fields are currently configured, what data types of stored in these fields. If you were to think of a database as a spreadsheet with columns and rows, the schedule would be the first row that defines the field names, plus the data types and formatting rules for each column.
Software Development Kit. This is combination of libraries and tooling that can make it easier for developers to interact with the SWARM API.
The SWARM Javascript snippet, which makes it simple to send data from your website or landing pages to the platform without having to learn, test or implement complex code.
Structured Query Language. The standard language for querying and retrieving information for analysis. SQL can be used to query raw data, group data, aggregate data and much more. For instance to query all leads that with the persona of "Rational Ray" would translate to the following in SQL:
Supply-side Platform
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