While the Events SDK is a simple way to track the actions of your users, network issues can sometimes cause problems that prevent SWARM from receiving this data. This page outlines some of the common challenges, and provides techniques to resolve these issues.
Why aren't my events showing up in SWARM?
There may be several reasons you are not receiving events within the SWARM Platform. Here are few common reasons that might help you find the root cause.
The Snippet is not being loaded on the page
The Snippet has not been activated successfully
The Snippet is activated but there are not events added to the page
There may be network connectivity issues
The events may have happened too far in the past.
If you are investigated these various options and still can't figure out what might be keeping events from being received, please contact us at support@aiadvertising.com and one of our experts can schedule some time to work with you.
Why am I seeing a "events" is undefined error?
This error usually occurs when the snippet library has not been loaded on the page. Ensure that the following script has been added to your page and is before any event tracking code that as been added.
Also please note that you will need to add this script to each page that you would like to track events from.
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